BSides Cape Town 2023

2 December 2023 at The UCT GSB Conference Center - V&A Waterfront.


  • Keynote: Impose Cost - Our defences eventually fail and we need to take the fight to the criminals - Singe
  • Fun with GPON - Denver Abrey
  • Securing A Derivatives Platform With Over $25b Volume - Kyle Riley
  • Outsmarting cyber villains on a shoestring budget - Roshan Harneker
  • How to sink a UBoot: Understanding bootloader attack surface - Keith Makan
  • Embracing Dystopia: Building Secure Web Applications in the Age of Fast Development + Vulnerabilities - Jessie Auguste
  • LPE in enterprise software - Reino Mostert
  • Hacking "AAA" Unreal Engine Games with...Python? - Ross Simpson
  • Attacking Microsoft Exchange: Fusing LightNeuron with Cobalt Strike - Leon
  • The Wide World of Consent - Jonathon Everatt
  • Dystopian much: The Rise of the Influence Machines - Nea Paw
  • A Practical Supply Chain Hack: Blinking RGBs for fun & profit - Dale Nunns
  • Let the Children play - Leveraging AD CS for persistance and profit in Parent-Child configured forests - Tinus
  • Performance Hacking - how to hack your tools to go faster - Singe
  • Forging Chains: The Java Blacksmith - Fabian Yamaguchi, David Baker Effendi
  • Noooooooooo touch! - Michael Rodger
  • 2023 Year in Review: Threads of nation-state dystopia - Jared Naude
  • Oops!!!...did I reveal something? - Javan Mnjama
  • ed2root - how ancient IPC mechanisms can benifit you today - Conner
  • Hack South: Home of the ubiquitous South - Charles "AngusRed" Wroth
  • The cyber-pirate's guide to C2 development - Gerhard Botha


  • API security workshop - Colin Domoney
  • Avoiding the API security apocalypse - Colin Domoney
  • Defender's Den: Building a Reproducible Environment to Verify Cyber Defense Skills - Mikhail
  • Elastic Security Capture The Flag - Marvin Ngoma


  • Obscure
  • Nclose
  • Orange Cyberdefense
  • Tenabe
  • Cybereason
  • Altered Security
  • OffSec
  • MWR Cybersec
  • RiskX
  • Keith Makan Security Consultancy
  • KnowBe4
  • Cyberlinx
  • Mobius Binary
  • Trend Micro
  • Solve Solutions
  • Vectra
  • Hack South NPC
  • Bitcrack Cyber Security

BSides Cape Town 2022

3 December 2022 at The Old Biscuit Mill, Cape Town.


  • Keynote: Made in SA - For the World - Haroon Meer
  • ALL BARK, NO BYTE - Amy Manià
  • Smart Watch Lobotomy - Dale Nunns
  • XXX astroturfing campaign - Roelof Temmingh
  • Home Alone isn’t scary, it’s inspiration - Dev Dua, Tyron Kemp, Denver Abrey
  • The Russia-Ukraine War: A retrospective - Jared Naude
  • An IOT War Story - Jason Spencer
  • Securing a cloud native open source microservice based core banking system - Ntando Mngomezulu
  • Abusing AWS Permissions - Teach an old dog new tricks - Jason Kessel
  • An Investigation into the State of Web Based Crypto-Mining - Robert Len
  • Permanently bricking smart contracts for fun and profit - Ashiq Amien
  • Final Keynote: Deception via Perception - Jayson E Street


  • Entersekt
  • CrowdStrike
  • Tenable
  • Utility Warehouse
  • Orange Cyberdefense
  • Mobius Binary
  • Redherd
  • Hack South NPC
  • Nclose
  • GTconsult
  • Keith Makan Security Consultancy
  • Bitcrack Cyber Security
  • Hack the Box

BSides Cape Town 2021

No event.

BSides Cape Town 2020

No event.

BSides Cape Town 2019

7 December 2019 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Keynote:The Woman Who Squashed Terrorists When an Embassy gets Hacked – Chris Kubeka
  • Hacking satellites with Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Gerard de Jong
  • Macabre stories of a hacker in the public health sector (Chile)- Philippe Delteil
  • Meticulously Modern Mobile Manipulations - Leon Jacobs
  • Hashing the $#!+ out of firmware - Brent Shaw
  • Put Words In My Mouth - Amy Manià
  • Web Application Vulnerability Scanners: An Intro & Discussion - Robert Feeney
  • How machine learning and AI can help reduce the cyber- attacks - Silent Dzikiti
  • Natural Language Processing & Anomaly detection in Sys call logs - Christo Goosen
  • Authentication is Broken. Can We Try Fix It? - Kgothatso Ngako
  • The Nation State Actor Ate My Homework! - Liam Smit
  • Gollum: One anti-phish bot to rule them all - Byron Rudman
  • Multiple – Lightning talks


  • Dimension Data
  • MTN
  • Telspace
  • Contrast Security
  • Entersekt
  • Oracle
  • Nclose
  • Bitcrack Security
  • Hack the Box
  • F-Secure

BSides Cape Town 2018

1st of December 2018 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Liam Smit – Welcome and opening remarks
  • Michael Rodgers – Badge Talk
  • Darin Morris – DevOps and the future of infosec
  • Caillan Sacks – Making defense sexy again
  • Rogan Dawes – Mallet – an intercepting proxy for arbitrary protocols
  • Brent Shaw and Sean Davenport – Hearing the internet background radiation
  • Ross Simpson and Dale Nunns – Shall we play a game
  • Jared Naude – A retrospective
  • Multiple – Lightning talks


  • Dimension Data
  • McAfee
  • MTN
  • OfferZen
  • Mobius Consulting
  • Nclose
  • Telspace Systems

BSides Cape Town 2017

2nd of December 2017 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Grant Ongers – Opening Remarks
  • Mike Davis – Badge Talk

Track 1:

  • Ross Simpson – Docker for Hackers
  • Masande Mtintsilana – Junk Hacking to skill up – Exploiting a Personal Cloud Storage and Media Streamer
  • Brent Shaw – Securing the Industrial Internet of Things
  • Mary Racter – Vault on DC/OS: Secure Secret Management on Budget
  • Dale Nunns – PEEK’ing and POKE’ing hardware – Hacking a ZX Spectrum
  • Veronica Schmidtt – Advancements of Security on Medical Implantable Devices is the IoT the Next Step to Rooting the Human Being.

Track 2:

  • Ibraheem Frieslaar – Using Electromagnetic Emissions to Intercept AES-128 Cryptographic Keys from a Raspberry
  • Nathi Mogomotsi – Attack Simulations and Hunting Made Easy
  • James Stephenson – Teaching old malware new tricks also why are ATM hackers working with German malware authors to deliver North Korean nation state malware
  • Christo Goosen – TODO: “Secure(r) Cloud Development”
  • Frank Allenby – Breach huffing; a culinary exploration of data breaches
  • Kyle Riley Smarter – Contracts: A Brief Look at Smart Contract Security


  • Multiple – Lightning Talks
  • Grant Ongers – Closing Ceremonies


  • Nclose – Capture the Flag


BSides Cape Town 2016

3th of December 2016 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Grant Ongers – Opening And Welcome
  • Andrew MacPherson & Mike Davis – The Bsides Badge
  • Neil Roebert – Mi -> NFC -> TM: How to proxy NFC comms using Android
  • Chris Le Roy – What the Dll? Finding and Exploiting DLL preloading vulnerabilities.
  • Charl van der Walt – Love triangles in cyberspace. A tale about trust in 5 chapters.
  • Robert Len – (In)Outsider Trading – Hacking stocks using public information and (influence)
  • Ion Todd – Password Security for humans
  • Thomas Underhay & Darryn Cull – SensePost XRDP Tool
  • Michael Rodger – Opening the Black Box – Software Security from a Hardware Perspective
  • Grant Ongers – Closing


  • Paul Richards & Paterva – Maltego
  • Riccardo Spagni – Blockchains for Hackers – Understanding the Attack Surface
  • Wicus Ross – Antennae Building Workshop


BSides Cape Town 2015

5th of December 2015 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Grant Ongers – Opening And Welcome
  • Mike Davis & Ross Simpson – About The Bsides Badge
  • Dane Goodwin – Automating The Process Of Mapping And Compromising Internal Networks
  • Kyle Riley – Ode To The Node
  • Caitlin Harrison – Mobile Security Overview
  • Christo Goosen – Hot (Hack All Things) – Exploiting And Fixing Iot
  • Timo Goosen – Running A Secure Tor Hidden Service
  • Keiran Dennie – Sharepoint Hacking
  • Grant Ongers – Closing


  • Paul Richards & Paterva – Maltego
  • Mike Davis & Ross Simpson – Build A Badge
  • Dane Goodwin & SensePost – Hacking Internal Networks
  • Joani Reynders, Kyle Riley & MWR InfoSecurity – Password Cracking 101


BSides Cape Town 2014

7th of June 2014 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Istvan Berko – Welcome and introductions
  • Robert Miller – Insecure out of the box: Leveraging Android manufacturer’s mistakes to attack corporate networks
  • Kyle Riley – iOS Penetration Testing for Developers
  • David Hartley – Hybrid Mobile Applications
  • Johan Snyman – Advanced footprinting techniques using Yeti
  • Bernard Coetzee – Vulnerabilty Management – “who is swimming naked” ?
  • Hendrik Visage – A proposed model for explaining and educating Information and Computer Security principle
  • Leave the lights on: Home automation users left in the dark.
  • Norman Hooper – Securing the internet with the block chain ledger
  • Istvan Berko – Conclusion and thanks


  • David Hartley – SAP Slapping “Zero to Hero”
  • Matt Marx – crack all the hashes
  • Craig Swan – Thinking like a hacker


Security BSides Link:

BSides Cape Town 2012

1st of December 2012 at Dimension Data, Cape Town.


  • Istvan Berko – Welcome and introductions
  • Tyrone Erasmus – Mercury – Android exploitation framework
  • Bevan Lane – Hacktivism – What’s different about the new generation?
  • Georg-Christian Pranschke – Security Threats to Machine Clouds
  • Jacques Louw – Offensive Software Defined Radio
  • Anna Collard – Security Awareness Training
  • Ross Simpson – Hacking Games (or “why client side logic is bad”)
  • Lightning talks – Riccardo Spagni, Ross Simpson
  • Istvan Berko – Conclusion and thanks


Security BSides Link:

BSides Cape Town 2011

3rd of December 2011 at University of Cape Town


  • Pieter Blaauw – Opening & Welcome
  • Barry Irwin – Keynote #1 Sun Tzu & the Honeypot
  • Ian de Villiers – Keynote #2 SAP protocol goodness
  • Dash Shendy – Secure CMS
  • Jeremy De Bruyn – Hashing Fun
  • Etienne Staalmans – Using DNS as Anti-virus
  • Pieter Blaauw – Social Engineering for Airtime
  • Bevan Lane & David Jackson – Legislation: Should we give a s***?
  • Lightning Talks – Sam, Rosh, Hein
  • Pieter Blaauw & Barry Irwin – Closing

More info: